Not all litter box issues stem from urination or spraying; sometimes, cat owners face challenges with solid waste deposits.

As with any undesired behavior, it’s crucial to first rule out any underlying medical causes. Various medical conditions, from parasites to severe diseases, can lead to litter box problems related to bowel movements. Even if the cat’s stool appears normal, there could still be internal issues.

Long-haired cats may struggle with feces clinging to their fur around the anus, which may drop off outside the litter box. If not naturally shed, the cat may try to groom itself, leaving traces on nearby carpets or floors. Daily grooming and regular trimming of hindquarters and back legs can prevent fecal matter from becoming tangled or stuck.

Constipation is another concern, often caused by ingested hair during grooming. This discomfort can create a negative association with the litter box. Similarly, diarrhea can lead to litter box avoidance due to pain or urgency.

During a veterinary visit, bring a fresh stool sample for analysis to rule out internal parasites, which can cause defecation outside the litter box. Kittens aren’t the only ones prone to worms; outdoor cats are also at risk. However, refrain from using over-the-counter dewormers; your vet can prescribe safe and effective options.

Once medical issues are addressed, consider behavioral factors. Cleanliness is crucial, especially for bowel movements, as cats spend more time in the litter box. Covered boxes can be uncomfortable, particularly for defecation, due to the cat’s more upright posture. Opt for an open, clean litter box environment and address location concerns.

Some cats may prefer separate boxes for urination and defecation. If so, provide a second box nearby, but not too close to the original one.

In multicat households, fecal marking, known as middening, can occur, especially in outdoor settings. This behavior often arises from tension among companion cats. In such cases, improving cat relationships, providing additional litter boxes, and enhancing environmental security are necessary steps.